Friday, June 5, 2015

Chaning promises of OUR POLITICIANS!!!!!!

Looking back in the politics of our nation. 

Democracy is defined as a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Our nation , born on 15th of January 1947, decided to have a government that would be elected by the people, that will work for the people and that will be of the people. it implicitly implied that the government would  work for the up lift ment of masses who had contributed towards the freedom struggle, and who had suffered during the rule of the British.
It was at his hour that different principalities and the kingdoms merged to create an Indian that we witness today , and which stretches from Arunachal to Rajasthan and Kashimir to Kanyakumari. The nation was created out of the ashes of the egos of personal ambitions of the different kingdoms that merged with our nation.
When the Indian nation became a reality our forefathers thought that Achey Din has come for them. Our leaders chose a system that was a mixed economy with major industries owned by public sector.  planning was adopted as a tool for meeting specific targets in the development process of the country.
It is , at this hour important to remember that the basic infrastructure of our nation was in mess. The government, thus started from the primary stage. Our agriculture was in mess, we had no modern industries except few, our transportation system was not developed except railways that was developed basically for the movement of army and foreign goods that British imported from their mother land to Indian market. The first few years saw the development of dams, heavy industries, roads, agriculture and of course the Green Revolution(By this time the nation had already undergone Two wars- one with China and one with Pakistan). The politicians were not big  liars , perhaps till Lal Bahadur Shastri( who did not need tall promises to get to the office of  Premier). Late Indira Gandhi was hailed as Durga when she won a war against Bangladesh, and we were successful in dividing Pakistan into Two states: Bangladesh and Pakistan. Despite this success, indira gandhi had to coin slogans such as "Gharibi Hatao" to win over the people to reach the office of premiership. The emergency period , many debate it as good and there can always be differing opinions about its fruitfulness, led the people to believe that she had become an autocrat. And Janata Party headed by shri Morarji Desai came to office promising more transparent government and many more things. However, the political drama led to the resignation of the Morarji government , which gave way to the government of  Charan Singh who formed government with the help of the Congress party in the parliament. However, when the fresh elections were there We saw the rise of Iron lady indira Gandhi once again as the Prime Minister of our country. This period of four years was not an easy one and the government had to do a lot of operations against the separatists. It was during this period that two guards opened fire on Indira Gandhi (and she had sensed it earlier that she is on the hit list) and she breathed last-She was assassinated!
The nation saw dance of death as massive riots against the Sikhs were witnessed that was unparalleled in the history of free India. The nation was in gloom. It is important to remember that it was this time when the technology was changing across the globe. Privatization was gaining ground and the decline of communism had begun. It was in this background that Rajeev Gandhi fought the elections as the leader of the Indian Congress Party, and we witnessed a land slide victory by the congress. When he became the prime the premier, his promises were also to modernize India and bid adieu to Poverty. During his time we saw many schemes related with poverty alleviation were launched. The most important task that was done by the premier was the introduction of computers and technology in our country. Although he met with resistance from the Left as well as from the right forces yet he had his way and we witnessed a revolution in the field of communication. His government , however, suffered from Bofors scandal, where he had to say that ' he was not involved at any stage'.
The government that the nation saw was that of V.P Singh who divided the nation in various categories of reservation!!!!! V.P. Singh fall saw the rise of Chandrasekhar who was our premier for about seven months.
The nation returned Congress with a majority , after the assassination of Rajeev Gandhi by the LTTE militants. The PV narasimha Rao Government had also many ups and downs along with the most famous 'suitcase' episode.
The silverlining in the government was Dr. ManMohan Singh who was the finance minister. He went on to restructure our economy -the privatization process was started with the introduction of LPG and abandoning LPQ policies of the Indian Government.  This government came to power with so many promises -which hardly turned into reality. It was the 'suitcase' episode which kicked out congress from the corridors of power.
A.B Vajpayee cobbled an NDA government at the centre which did not last long and he had to resign. He happens to be a great oratory, and he used his oratory skills to influence the masses to believe in his dreams of making India different from what it had been.
Devegowda and I.K. Gujaral were able to cobble governments but fresh elections had to be called in 1998 when A.B,Vajpayee came to power at the centre. This government had made  many promises to the nations. some developmental works were done during this period too. However,  blot on his government was the communal riots of Gujarat which killed many Muslims.
The nation voted congress to power with Dr. Manmohan Singh(MMS) as the head of the government. it was UPA government, and Dr. MMS had to compromise on certain issues to run the government. The most famous being the coalgate and the 2G scam.
It was at this period that the nation saw the emergence of a new kind of politics... The politics of calling for more transparency in the government. A huge movement changed the way politics was done. It was AAM Aadmi Party which held many sessions to bring out the corruption. This changed the way politics is done in our nation. A man from Gujarat-who ruled Gujarat with an iron hand - came to the foray of central politics with his promises....He promised the nation Sun, moon, stars and just everything. The nation was dumbstruck at the way media was used for seizing the power at the center( and it was certainly not known how much money was spend to fight elections by this party). His oratory skills won him friends all across , and he and his party knew that they have to marginalize congress party if they have to hold the reins of power at the center.  The party has ruled the nation with an iron hand for one year yet the nations is yet to get back 15 lakhs in our accounts as promised by Shri Narendra Modi(our honourable Prime minister). The nation is yet to know whether all those who were involved in cases of corruption will be punished by the nation or not! The nation is unsure if the farmers suicide will go unabated that has seen a drastic rise in our nation. The nation is unsure if minorities will remain safe in their own nation (for his party mates are out to condemn the minorities for having children, eating beef, poverty, education, Ghar Wapsi, Love Jihad and what not. The nation will know in few years time whether the nation will go back to the days of Mahabhartha and Ramayana or the nation will move ahead in time!
What has changed over the years is the PROMISES made by the POLITICIANS to come to POWER! It is in this light i feel that the citizens should have the right to recall their elected representatives if they are not satisfied by their performance!!!! JAGO BHARAT JAGO!!!!