Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In Response to What is terrorism in the Wise Geek

Terrorism is a complex term. However, it comprises of 'Terror' and 'ism' which may simply translate as the philosophy of creating terror or fear or destruction among the people(which may expand to nations as well). Fascism was also a kind of terrorism, imperialism is / was also a kind of terrorism and of course we have the religious terrorism( where Islam has been implicated by various entities and sources as cause of terrorism). However, if we see through the lens of history, we find that Islam did never ever support terrorism. However, if people are hell bent on calling Saudi Arabia an "Islamic State" they are ignorant for Islam does not allow the rule by heredity. it is by consensus among people that the governments are created. There are Kings and NOT Caliphs to rule the nation.
Apart from this if i say that Christianity is a source of terror because what ever George Bush did in the name of "Crusade" was sheer 'Terrorism'. he created a fear psychosis in the heart of the Iraqis, he looted and plundered the nations, US soldiers were also involved in looting the artifacts of the Iraqi museums. If this is not terrorism what is it then? Thus, it is necessary to understand that terror does not have any linkage to religion. And if it has , then surely the Christianity of carrying out a Crusade in the twenty first century to kill and exploit the resources of nation like Iraq and Afghanistan is the biggest terror. AS for Osama and Company is concerned, i think it is the USA that will have to come clean on Osama. if he were a terrorist then why did the American Administration planted him in Afghanistan? To throw roses at the Russian? OGK. Let us , therefore , not implicate religion in the debate of terrorism. because if we implicate religion then Christianity and Judaism will come in the first list of terrorism of world terror in twenty first century.
Hence it is necessary to understand that why has 'Islamic terrorism' evolved ? There are reasons that the United States of America must try to research and find out. It is the Americans who were very close to the Muslims in the days of the Soviet Russia, what has caused the alienation? Or there is another angle that must also be explored: Has America created this phenomenon so as to have an enemy to fight with(as it has always been in the process of fighting nations, ideologies, philosophies for its own survival or supremacy perhaps). There is no denying that as far as the liberty is concerned there cannot be many great nations like America and it has also more responsibility to keep law and order in the globe but it is necessary that it si done by consensus and NOT coercion-because if America coerces(as it did in case of IRAQ then there is no difference between the splinter groups carrying out terrorism and the organized terror created by America to stop the reproduction cycle of the Arab by lacing cluster bombs with substances that tell upon the reproductive capability of male /female).
Let us find a way out to usher in an era of peace where everyone is able to live with his/her head held HIGH and of course with Dignity!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

IS America an exporter of Terrorism?

While we may accept that the United States of America must be happy at the disintegration of the USSR but we must also agree that the disintegration was done using the tactics of terror by the United States of America. Thus, from this perspective we have to admit that the origin of terror lies somewhere in the Washington DC where the American policy makers join their heads to find means and ways to subjugate other nations of the world.
9/11 is described to be the world's biggest terror attacks of our times but who is responsible for this attack? The Arabs? or the policies of the united states of America that led to the 9/11. I do not know what one may say but i have a strong feeling and belief that the spin doctors -the American think tank who frame policies for the nation- are responsible for the 9/11. If the United States did not justify the American back resistance against the Russian in Afghanistan there would perhaps been no 9/11 as well. It emanates from a basic fact that Osama Bin Laden(and not the Muslim World) was encouraged with arms and ammunition grants to start a jihad against the Russians(to fight a war in favor of US since if the Russian Influence grew in Afghanistan , it would adversely affect the security and the influence of the Pakistan in the region.
If we see the American role in the middle east, we can clearly identify that the American policy was more concerned about the safety of the Israeli interest in the region rather than mitigating the sufferings of the people of Palestine who are forced to live in subhuman conditions by the people who claim that they have suffered from Hitler's Tortures and Lost millions of Jews in Holocaust. This open prejudice against the Palestinians and killing of the Palestinians by the weapons and ammunition made in America has surely added salt to the injuries of the Arabs who grossly support the just cause of the Palestinians who are striving to have a state of their own for more than half a century.
The American policy of seizing the natural resources of the weaker nations is also responsible for the rise in the anti American feeling across the globe. An example of the Iraqi Occupation, and the unaccountable oil that is being transported to the American bases is surely ignite a feeling of hatred among the common men and women in the country whose life has been made hopeless and miserable to say the least(even after the much acclaimed Liberation of IRAQ by a LIBERAL AMERICA). People were much better under Saddam Hussein than they are in liberated Iraq of today!
Apart from the above there is a deliberate move from the agencies of America Like the CIA to spread terrorist activities by supporting the rebels across the globe(who suit the needs of America) by giving them logistic, financial and material support to go an all out against the regimes of today who are on the verge of become competitors of American in the field of Economics and military strength. There is no denying that American policy makers are more concerned with the Chinese and Indian exuberance and rise(which pose a greater risk to America then any other nations like IRan, North Korea or the nations in the backyard of America).
Thus, there are enough indicators and proofs that go on to prove that it is the American State that is the epic centre of all the terrorist activities in the world. I have reasons to believe that the Al Qaida(AQ) is an American offshoot that is paid to create acts of terrors so that the American may get an opportunity to create more disturbance in the guise of putting things in order(as they did in Iraq). As far as the bigest terror attack is concerned i have enough doubts that this was carried out by the AQ-as alleged by the US and its Ally Israel- but by the Israeli agents with tacit support of the American think tank so that the Americans get a legitimacy to capture the natural resources of Iraq and Afghanistan(which would otherwise have been impossible). hence i feel that the American Policies(which is perhaps not supported by the majority of the Americans civilians who are liberal , and who do not have an adequate knowledge of what is going around in the world ) are more responsible for the rise of terrorism in the world, and which brings billions of dollars to the American Corporate Coffers who are in the business of manufacturing arms and ammunition! Thus America is the exporter of terror in the world while other outfits are paid American stooges who help America to extend its imperialist ideology.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Comments in NY times

August 25, 2010 2:18 pm Link

Dear Sirs,
we live in a civilized society where the institutions of equality, fraternity and liberty are very strong. The Rule of Law should be upheld always. Any one found of creating trouble in the name of caste, creed or color should be severely dealt with and the culprits (belonging to any caste, religion, or creed) should be brought to book to save the American Culture in the short as well as the long run.
As far as a place of worship is concerned, if it has been cleared by the state, then there is no reason why should the minorities not allowed to have their way in building their place of worship(which will help in creating a better image of America in the muslim world which has taken a beating after the Iraq and Afghanistan’s Occupation).
The state decided to go for a war despite the fact that there were protests -not just in America but across the globe- and the decision of the state was upheld. So now when the state decides to permit the building of a worship center and a community center that may be used ” by one and all ” irrespective of caste, color, creed or religion, i see not reason why America and the American people should not let it happen.
The American should rise above the bogey created by the Arabs or the Israeli to have their and uphold their constitution that grants the minority to have their places of worship-of course at their own cost!
Let Humanity prevail!!!!!!!

— Khurshid