Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Comments in NY times

August 25, 2010 2:18 pm Link

Dear Sirs,
we live in a civilized society where the institutions of equality, fraternity and liberty are very strong. The Rule of Law should be upheld always. Any one found of creating trouble in the name of caste, creed or color should be severely dealt with and the culprits (belonging to any caste, religion, or creed) should be brought to book to save the American Culture in the short as well as the long run.
As far as a place of worship is concerned, if it has been cleared by the state, then there is no reason why should the minorities not allowed to have their way in building their place of worship(which will help in creating a better image of America in the muslim world which has taken a beating after the Iraq and Afghanistan’s Occupation).
The state decided to go for a war despite the fact that there were protests -not just in America but across the globe- and the decision of the state was upheld. So now when the state decides to permit the building of a worship center and a community center that may be used ” by one and all ” irrespective of caste, color, creed or religion, i see not reason why America and the American people should not let it happen.
The American should rise above the bogey created by the Arabs or the Israeli to have their and uphold their constitution that grants the minority to have their places of worship-of course at their own cost!
Let Humanity prevail!!!!!!!

— Khurshid

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