Monday, May 8, 2017

PALESTINE & PEACE:THE ROLE OF "International Community"

Dear Friends,
Today we are not left with the self determination movements that had its origin in the the early 50s except two nations that are still struggling to be free from the clutches of "terrorist" states who have used the means of torture on the hapless people to suppress their aspirations for self determination. No Nation , to my knowledge, must have suffered as much as the Palestinians for , perhaps no nation in the world can be as ruthless as the Israeli who are an expert in killing.
Although the world condemns the Nazis for "holocaust" that meted out untold miseries and killings of the Jews in EUROPE yet i fail to understand as to why the world chooses to shut its eyes on the tortures of human beings in Palestine (by those people who are said to have suffered at the hands of Hitler!)?
I call Israel a terrorist state for , it is no better that Hitler's regime who used sheer force and torture to wipe out Israeli population. Today Israel does the same on Palestinians. it is systematically penetrating into the Palestinian Land and transplanting it with its own population to bring about a "demographic" change so that it can claim this land in any future settlement with the Palestinians.
Israel's barbarism is no secret. however, it is not condemned for its tortures by the "civilized" governments of the world- which tantamount to a tacit support for them(which in turn makes them barbaric as well using the American philosophy in War Against Terror "Either you are with US or Against". On the other hand the Palestinians who are "terrorists" for they make use of stone(as a weapon) and the Katyushas that do not have the capability of bringing any danger to the Israeli civilians.

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