Thursday, June 24, 2010


Indian state happens to be the world's most vibrant democracy- and there is no denying about that. However, it is a matter of shame that the state come under pressure of United States of America, and is forced to talk to Pakistan on various matters despite the fact that Pakistan has not done much to assuage the Indian concerns on the front of terrorism.

I wonder at times that the indian population wants that the US fights on behalf of India(as i could gather from the the responses to an article entitled "US will not Tolerate any safe Havens for Terrorists" in the Times of India dated24th June, 2010). America is never known to fight for others unless its interests are there. It fights and protects Israel for it feels it is necessary to have a staunch ally to keep an eye on the Muslim population that does not have much love left for America. Similarly, the huge aid that comes to Pakistan from America, and which is used against the indian soil is also a reality. Americans need Pakistan not just to fight terrorism but also to be in this area to combat the chines influence and do the task of disintegrating the great indian nation. Such necessity arises from two reasons. The economic pundits have predicted that the future economic powers are emerging from Asia, and they are not other nations but India and China. America does not want any super power in the world. it wants a Unipolar world so that it can go on doing anything and everything that it wants.

under the above premises, it is necessary for the indian nation to act as one. there should be any attempt to break the unity and integrity of the nation. This calls for the leaders to do away with the practice of enticing communal hatred towards the Hindus and the Muslims. I must mention here that terrorism does not have any religion. if terrorism had any relgion then what ws teh religion of that terror which killed Gandhi? What religion is the terror of Pragya Thakur & Company? What is the religion of the terror of Shiv Sena, which is out to chase the indians from thier own land? What is the religion of the terror of Afzal Guru? what is the religoin of terror of Ajmal Kasab? What is the religion of the terror of those 'hindu' army personnel who pass "sensitive information" to their master across the border? what is the religion of the terror of those people who went all out to derail the Gyaneshwari express?

Islam does not allow the inhuman killing of innocent, old, children, women, and the sick, and those who do not stand to fight with you. The Constitution of Medina is one such document to show that the people of different religions were protected by the Muslims, and they stood by them in times of their needs.
In the same vein the sanatan Dharma does not propagate the elimination of the Muslims on the basis of the religion.

Religion does not teach bad things or terrorism. All religions teach human being to be nice, good, help one another in times of need, have peaceful co-existence. it is the human greed that encourages people to turn bad and usurp the 'things' of the other by looting them, massacring them, creating communal turmoil. If we look into History we find that the Kaurav's as well as Pandav's both were devout Hindus but what made them fight one another? does the Mahabharata prove that the Hindu religion is bad? I do not think that any one can say that Mahabharata says that the religion taught them to fight one another. It is the deeds of the Kauravs and their greed that led to the killing of many innocent people who were not at all involved with the bickerings of the pandavs and kauravs! The same holds true in Karbala, where Yazid was driven by Satan rather than by God to kill the helpless people-children, women and even the sick.

These examples i draw to point out that religion, per se, is not bad. Its teachings are also not bad. it is the nature of the people which is bad. We have to check together those people whose nature is bad no matter which religion the person belongs to. We should learn to create havoc on them who are out to destroy our nation- whether from outside or from within. We should close our eyes and give exemplary punishment to the guilty irrespective of whether one is Hindu or Muslim. Let us allow everybody to enjoy the natural resources of the land- since it belongs to one and all. The Muslims who are here in India have not come from either Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tibet or Pakistan- they are very much Indian and they chose like Maulana Azad to side with mother India during partition! Let us not have any doubt about that. India will be vibrant, and will be able to take on china and USA only when its population will think and speak in one voice! Let us, for Gods Sake , not help China or America or even Pakistan to further disintegrate the nation inot hundreds of small principalities!
Nagas, MAnipuris, Assamese, Tamil, Telegu, Bengalis, Nepalis, Biharis, Maharashtrian, Gujarati, Keralite, UP wala , Rajahsthani, kashmiris, punjabis etc. all have equal rights in this land no matter which religion they practice and what language they speak. If this freedom is allowed it is then only India will be a Mahan Nation- and surge ahead of US, Japan, and of course China.

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