Thursday, June 24, 2010


Indian state happens to be the world's most vibrant democracy- and there is no denying about that. However, it is a matter of shame that the state come under pressure of United States of America, and is forced to talk to Pakistan on various matters despite the fact that Pakistan has not done much to assuage the Indian concerns on the front of terrorism.

I wonder at times that the indian population wants that the US fights on behalf of India(as i could gather from the the responses to an article entitled "US will not Tolerate any safe Havens for Terrorists" in the Times of India dated24th June, 2010). America is never known to fight for others unless its interests are there. It fights and protects Israel for it feels it is necessary to have a staunch ally to keep an eye on the Muslim population that does not have much love left for America. Similarly, the huge aid that comes to Pakistan from America, and which is used against the indian soil is also a reality. Americans need Pakistan not just to fight terrorism but also to be in this area to combat the chines influence and do the task of disintegrating the great indian nation. Such necessity arises from two reasons. The economic pundits have predicted that the future economic powers are emerging from Asia, and they are not other nations but India and China. America does not want any super power in the world. it wants a Unipolar world so that it can go on doing anything and everything that it wants.

under the above premises, it is necessary for the indian nation to act as one. there should be any attempt to break the unity and integrity of the nation. This calls for the leaders to do away with the practice of enticing communal hatred towards the Hindus and the Muslims. I must mention here that terrorism does not have any religion. if terrorism had any relgion then what ws teh religion of that terror which killed Gandhi? What religion is the terror of Pragya Thakur & Company? What is the religion of the terror of Shiv Sena, which is out to chase the indians from thier own land? What is the religion of the terror of Afzal Guru? what is the religoin of terror of Ajmal Kasab? What is the religion of the terror of those 'hindu' army personnel who pass "sensitive information" to their master across the border? what is the religion of the terror of those people who went all out to derail the Gyaneshwari express?

Islam does not allow the inhuman killing of innocent, old, children, women, and the sick, and those who do not stand to fight with you. The Constitution of Medina is one such document to show that the people of different religions were protected by the Muslims, and they stood by them in times of their needs.
In the same vein the sanatan Dharma does not propagate the elimination of the Muslims on the basis of the religion.

Religion does not teach bad things or terrorism. All religions teach human being to be nice, good, help one another in times of need, have peaceful co-existence. it is the human greed that encourages people to turn bad and usurp the 'things' of the other by looting them, massacring them, creating communal turmoil. If we look into History we find that the Kaurav's as well as Pandav's both were devout Hindus but what made them fight one another? does the Mahabharata prove that the Hindu religion is bad? I do not think that any one can say that Mahabharata says that the religion taught them to fight one another. It is the deeds of the Kauravs and their greed that led to the killing of many innocent people who were not at all involved with the bickerings of the pandavs and kauravs! The same holds true in Karbala, where Yazid was driven by Satan rather than by God to kill the helpless people-children, women and even the sick.

These examples i draw to point out that religion, per se, is not bad. Its teachings are also not bad. it is the nature of the people which is bad. We have to check together those people whose nature is bad no matter which religion the person belongs to. We should learn to create havoc on them who are out to destroy our nation- whether from outside or from within. We should close our eyes and give exemplary punishment to the guilty irrespective of whether one is Hindu or Muslim. Let us allow everybody to enjoy the natural resources of the land- since it belongs to one and all. The Muslims who are here in India have not come from either Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tibet or Pakistan- they are very much Indian and they chose like Maulana Azad to side with mother India during partition! Let us not have any doubt about that. India will be vibrant, and will be able to take on china and USA only when its population will think and speak in one voice! Let us, for Gods Sake , not help China or America or even Pakistan to further disintegrate the nation inot hundreds of small principalities!
Nagas, MAnipuris, Assamese, Tamil, Telegu, Bengalis, Nepalis, Biharis, Maharashtrian, Gujarati, Keralite, UP wala , Rajahsthani, kashmiris, punjabis etc. all have equal rights in this land no matter which religion they practice and what language they speak. If this freedom is allowed it is then only India will be a Mahan Nation- and surge ahead of US, Japan, and of course China.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

80 % Population of the world U-N-I-T-E!

Dear Friends

Have you ever wondered who creates the economic downturns? or who benefits from the the volatility of the markets in different parts of the world? I know you may ascribe these to the laws of economics but all is not very true. if you do not believe then consider this report prepared by Capgemini and Merill Lynch which says that the wealth of the Wealthy increased by 5.1 percent to $1.5 trillion!

The business Editor of the Gulf news dated 22/6/10 writes that "the worlds rich and ultra rich individuals shook off the effects of the global economic crisis to increase their personal wealth by 19 percent to $ 30 trillion , returning to 2007's pre-crisis levels"

My dear friends , this is the philosophy of Capitalism . Loot and plunder the poor and appropriate their money and make them suffer. See how the capitlist manufacture lies and spread to consolidate their position.
They want to make money at any cost! Be it Iraq War(appropriating the natural resources of Iraq) or be it Afghanistan their motto is the same. Ever Since the Wealth of Nations was written and even much much before that it were the capitalists who were calling the shots by appropriating the labour of the labourer.

no mater whatever laws u see, u will find that there is a protection for the capitalists! it is simply because it is the capitalists who call the shots by providing funds to the politicians to contest the elections. No wonder why the Untied States of America wants "DEMO-N-CRACY" across the globe but fails to acknowledge when its adversaries win in palestine!

It is high time the that the 80% of the population rises up against these 1% wealthy people and 19 % of the bureaucrats and white/blue collar servants who help them to get richer and perpetrate torture on the poor

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Dear Friends

Aristotle needs no introduction. He once said that those who sell their knowledge are no better than prostitutes while those who do politics for the sake of money are worse than the prostitutes!
Politics without morale or ethics is useless for the very basis of politics was for the betterment of ordinary men and women. The politics of Today, cutting across nations, is deep rooted in the the corrupt practices, and where the Corporate World Calls the Shots and the politicians act as their 'agents'.
Let us see the case of Union Carbide in India? The Congress Government- it is alleged Promised Anderson that it will not arrest him once he is in India, and they facilitated his return to the United States of America. What might have the politicians got out of it? What interest made them Anderson-the culprit- prefer over thousands of Indian children ,old , middle aged innocent people who died in the Gas Leak and hundred of thousands who were injured and developed various other ailments due to the concentration of the gas leak in the air and under the ground? This is one question that does not need to be answered for everybody has reason enough to understand what might have transpired between Anderson and the people who helped him run away from the judiciary in India.
The condition in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asian provinces is no better than India. The War on Terror from the " So Called International Community" in Afghanistan is no doubt the best thing at this time. But once again the very big question is Who created these Terrorists? Was is Pakistan-which is a beggar state- which created Al Qaeeda? if we explore the pages of History , it is the same Osama Bin Laden who was planted by the Americans to fight a proxy war for them against the Russians? There is no denying that Osama is Bad, but this cancer has been fostered by the American tax payers money! if Al Qaeda and Osama are Bad , America is the worst. I think the international community cannot win a war against the common muslims-whom they have labeled as the 'terrorists'.
My Dear friends, see the plight of the Palestinians! The people in Gaza are beggars in their own homeland as the entry of goods is blocked by the begotten daughter of America-Israel, whose actions is driving common men and women to terrorism. Is it not terrorism to starve millions of women, children, and elderly people?
It is high time that the people cutting across the religious lines and ethnics lines came forward and stood for the ethical politics, and join hands so that the terrorists states like America do no proliferate in our day today life. It is easy to punish America! boycott their products as much as you can, or force them to help settle the cases of Tibet, Palestine by being so that peace may be established in the Asian continent!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Dear Friends

The history is witness to the fact that war has never helped achieve development. War is responsible for bringing miseries in the life of everyone who is directly involved, and even those who are not involved at all. No War whether it was Mahabharata or the war waged by Alexander, Asoka the Great, the Muslim Zealots and the Christian Church (to vanquish Islam from the face of the world) was able to solve the problems of the world. War do create problems for the people who survive in the after math of the holocaust of the war, to take revenge of loss in war or the humiliating conditions (as was in case of Germany in the aftermath of the first World War).
If history tells us that war cannot solve any problem, then why is the west hell bent upon creating opportunities for war to strengthen its own economy? will it not backfire in the immediate future? history tells us that the position on the top in very slippery, and if we learn from history, then we may question ourselves is America going to be on the top as a super power for ever? The answer in the light of history will surely be negative. And if it is so , America must understand that if it does not include the ethics of equality in its foreign policy, it is surely likely to doom in future. And once it declines, i am afraid that those who have been tortured by the State will take revenge? If that revenge comes to pass.....?
it is in the light of this the American policy makers should understand that the history will be written as it is , and it cannot be choreographed like the assassination of Saddam Hussein( A great Leader who was capable of keeping Iraq United and its resources intact for its people. there were no bomb blasts in his regime but the "free regime manned by the American 'idols' is full of barbaric acts which helps America to keep a tab on the natural resources of Iraq). It is High Time that Barrack Obama does something drastic to bring peace in the world by acting sensibly and stopping the killing of civilians in the name of terrorists.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Dear Friends
Today i see no other nation as a failed state as much as India. This feeling of a hapless indian is not without reason. if you remember Gilad Shalit- an israeli soldier abducted by the so called palestinian militants- resulted in the blockade of palestinians and attacks by the israelis against the palestinians across the globe(the killing in Dubai!). Just for one person's life Israel has lost so much of its resources(and surely it is the duty of the state to provide adequate protection to its citizens)!
However when it comes to the indian State, its failure is reflected in the judgement in the Bhopal Gas tragedy in which the officials related with the tragic loss of life were given a mild two years punishment. how can one rationalize this mild punishment for the death of over 20,000 people and the injuries of more than six lakhs people(as per the reports of the times of India)! The kin of those who tragically lost thier lives recieved an average compensation of only 12,410! Compare this compensation with those who died in hte Pan AM Crash way back in ,perhaps 1989! Compare This tragic death and the way it was dealt with that of the oil Spill by the BP and say for yourself where do we stand as a nation? are we better than any banana republic? I think Somalia or Malawi is much better than us when it comes to fighting for thier rights.
I wonder as to why the case presentation was so weak when nothing was required to be really presented to the court! There was a plant in which 40 to 42 thousand KGs of the toxic gas leaked killing most in the city that was mostly sleeping at the time of the leak. This case was not that of a negligence but it was a homicide commited by a powerful corporate house from a powerful country. The prosecutors just had to show the court that it had happened and the evidence was available in plenty on the ground.
By not representing the case the prosecutors and the CBI has proved that it is a useless tool of investigation on which the public money should not be wasted. what is the purpose of an agency which cannot prove the culpable homicide of a corporate house for which not much evidence is really required!
Leave aside the case of an investigating agency, which runs on the whims of the party in power why no political party in india comes out to fight the case for those who had suffered at the hands of the corporate houses. It implies that the politicians are also hand in glove with the corporate world to get "donation" so that fighting election becomes easy for them. My dear friends it is high time that we demanded from our government that they take up the matter with the parent company Union Carbide(US) and hold the big fishes accountable for it! It is time that India shows that it is not a banana republic and it stands for the interest of its people. The Politicians -instead of holding nonsense debates on the electronic media to come forward to provide justice to the deceased souls so that they may rest in peace!
throgh this blog i call upon all those associated with human rights and press to come forward and fight a battle for our brethren who lost thier lives long ago but they souls wait justice till date! JAI HIND


Dear friends

Politis was supposed to create an ideal environment in which human beings can live without discrimination and fear. The pillars of democracy were strenghtened by the principles like the RULE OF LAW. The Rule of Law implied that no one is above law, and everybody is innocent till he is proven guilty. The law breakers will be meted out with similar treatment for similar offences.One may wonder if the Rule of Law prevails in our society! When a poor man steals bread , Police may put him/her behind the bars and sent him /her to Gaol. But thosewho murder humanity are allowed to remain outside the Gaol to perpeterate more crimes against humanity. Sajjan Kumar was alleged to be involved in the riot against the Sikhs- Almost 34 years have passed but the "gentleman" is yet to be punished for his assistance, help , active or passive to the looters who put humanity to shame! Those Who were involved in the most heinious crimes of demolishing the ancient structure of Babri Mosque- which resulted in arson and looting across the country do roam around freely. Although an enquiry was held but it has no tooth to suggest punitive actions agaisnt them. i wonder what purpose did the enquiry serve? it seems it was a ploy to delay it so that the minority community forgets it and the perpetrators of the crime get the opportunity to indulge in more heineious crimes in Future.

The killing/death of people in Godhra in the Sabarmati Express still cries openly for a credible investigation so that facts may be established, and the perpetrators punished. The post Godhra riots designed and directed by the ruling party also awaits justice in which Ehsan Jaffrey, the local congress big wig was burnt alive with people who had taken shelter at his residence!

In case of Kandhamal i see completely no difference at all where the minority christains were attacked by the members of RSS and BJP- i wonder if justice has been meted out to them.

The Gorkhas of India have been demanding a homeland for themselves but the government has not let it come to pass but it has conveniently allowed its leaders to usrup the funds coming to hills for development- leading to the sufferings of the common masses. There is no investigation on how these leaders become filty rich in no time. A petty contractor associated with the party becomes millionaries and owns home in no time! Wonder of Wonders! This holds true for the ilks of Laloo Prasad Yadav who was alleged to have misappropriated about 5000 crores as per the media reports. The case of MAdhu Koda is no different. How many politicians are honest and accountable? more over they are accountable to whom? There are scores of kodas , yadavs, "burgeioise communists" who have left no efforts to ruin the funds that was meant for the poor masses of this great country.

It is in this backdrop i feel that those who loot and plunder the resources of the poor indians may infact collude with the foreign powers to weaken the nation so that the government may be run by proxy!

under these circumstances the silent majority should come out and hold the reins of the politics so that a new direction may be given to the country's biased policies that is drawn in the boardroom of the bureaucrats = who are busy discussing increments in their salary.

The poor people of the Maoist area have been used by the Maoist to create violence and provide cover to the Maoist activities. If the governments were able to take development to poor masses (which the government has failed miserably) there would not have been a crisis of the magnitude that we experience today in the name of maoists. The poor masses support because they think that the maoists are thier messiahs!

Dear Friends it is high time that those who are sincere come out in open , at least through the web and then on the ground to save the nation from these hooilgans who are running the show. honestly i find no difference between different national parties. They seem to be bedfellows to say the least. their differences are only on the Camera and electronic media while they share the same values of looting and plundering the nations and passing it on to the Corporate World- so that they may be easily funded by them to win ELECTIONS!

Friday, June 4, 2010

THe Hills and the jungles are burning

dear friends
if we see the activities in the hills and the jungles of india, we find that it is burning. pepole are fighting against one another. The jungles of the MP, Bengal, Orissa, and of course Bihar is seized by the power Maoist- who claim to be the friend of the people yet they blow up passenger trains killing in hundreds and thousands! despite this open indulgement in heinious crimes agianst the people, we find tht the politicians are invovled in passing the buck to one another. they do not come forward to condemn or even name the Maoists. This smells of their support to the cause of the Maoists. i do not deny that the people in and around the jungles (who are mostly tribals) lead a miserable life, and they are uprooted by the governments either to clear their land for various government projects or to give it to some industrialist at a throwaway price. But why should the other commoners be targeted for the folly of the government. when we kill CRPF personnels, they are our very own people and this is an act committed against the people of india- which automatically demands that they be fought and contained. The Maoists should force the governments(at the state and the center ) to provide a better life for the tribal ppl, they should force the government- by mobilising the public opinion- to create basic infrastructure and create and implement policies which will help the poor tribals. Although we have a reservation for the tribals but it is usurped by well to do and rich tribals whose children are a product of English medium schools(who perhaps do not need a reservation at all).
However Violence is not going to solve the problems of the tribals for which the Maoist are supposed to be fighting for. It is therefore necessary that they give up violence and take the path of non-violence to demand for their rights.

If we turn our gaze to the hills in teh north east india, we find that the hills and Terai is burning from one corner to another. There is a Naga Students strike crippling the day today life of the ordinary Manipuris- who are unable to get even the basic amenities of life. The government has to airlift supplies for them(as in case of war). May i ask the saner elements in the NAGA Students forum as to what will they achieve by creating chaos. If they have a genuine problem, they should urge the government to talkto them. if they have an agitation they should carry in collaboration with the manipuri friends(who cannot imagine themselves as friends for they are bitterly treated)! The Bodo Problems, the problems in Assam, and of course the problems in several other parts of Assam are there but they can be surely solved by a dialougue.
if u turn our gaze to darjeeling, we see that the life of the people has turned miserable by the diktats of the political bigwigs-who claim that they are leading a gandhinian "Non -Violence" movement where opposition is not allowed to raise its voice or hold rally. if the opposition organizes a movement or attempts to do so , it is silencd by the goons of the party as we saw in the case of Madan Tamang Tamang. without gorkhaland (whose name has changed now to Gorkha Adivasi Pradesh) there is so much violence and a dictatorship has emerged what will happen if GAP comes to pass? The killing for seizing power will surely rise and Peace will elude this Queen of hills.

it is high time that the people reject those elements who are trying to create violence in the society and the government should enhance its efforts to sort out -at leaast the economic problems- before taking on the rude elements in teh society. LET the Gvernment declare there is no place for any violence in a civilized Society. But the Governments must make sure that they are not the cause of violence in the society. it must make sure that those representatives of the government who are responsible for any act which incites either communal hatred or violence in the society are treated in a similar way as the commoners are treated. No free roaming should be allowed for personnels who attack on Mandirs, Mosques, Guruduaras and of course the churchs. However, if there is a partisan attitude in the implementattion of punishment , the society will surely have more violence. Hence the RULE of Law should be strictly adopted and implemented everywhere!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

LETs Contribute to make this world a PeAcEfUL place

Dear friends , we are human beings. Most of the human beings in the world are associated with religion of thier choice. I have personally not come across any religion that encourages violence or terror. Infact all the religions of the world suggests the followers to be calm, quiet, peaceful, and go an all out to help the needy and poor - in whatsoever we can. The major religoins of the world except Sanatan and Budhism do not believe in the reincarnation of the human beings. it suggests that we pass the earth just once only. Now when we pass this earth our journey is maximum, on an average , of 80-90 years. Out of this eighty or ninety, if we deduct our childhood, our sleep and times that we spend for our daily chores we are left with no more than 25 or thirty years.

i feel it is our duty to make this place where we live or from where we pass( or to be born again according to some beliefs) a heaven. Turning this place into heaven is not a very difficult job. we can vow to provide a smile on the lips of those who are tensed by placing our soothing and encouraging words to them. When we make a person smile we reduce his tensions, which in turn reduces his/her negative energy and adds positive thoughts to his/her minds. Dear friends, we can pass on our old clothings to those who do not have access to adequate to cover them with in summer and winter and the rains. when we do this we surely add to the cause of Peace on Earth.

Let us throw out greed from our heart. What did Alexander carry with him when he died? He had asked his leiutinants to take out his hands from his coffin so that the world may witness that the greatest of all emperors did not carry anything with him. When he did not carry What can we carry to our grave? Let us kick our greed from our heart and minds. when we do this we do not indulge in corrupts ways of earning money.

My Dear friends Let us ask ourselves that if Bill Gates can spend his entire earning for philantrophic work, and the likes of Azim Prem ji declares that all his assets will go for philantrophic tasks, we must also come forward to contribute to the underpriviledged world (in whatever way we can). When we do this we move a step forward to establish the order in the world. our acts will help to reduce the theft of bread and basic amenities of life. My dear friends let us come out of our shells of greeds to establish a world that is crime free, free from jealousy and Greed. Let us not shy away to raise out voice for the Have-nots, becasue if u(being educated) won't raise the voice who is going to raise. Let us come out of the narrow lanes of religion to help the cause of Humanity. The God that we preach belongs to all of us, hence the people come before everything.