Tuesday, June 22, 2010

80 % Population of the world U-N-I-T-E!

Dear Friends

Have you ever wondered who creates the economic downturns? or who benefits from the the volatility of the markets in different parts of the world? I know you may ascribe these to the laws of economics but all is not very true. if you do not believe then consider this report prepared by Capgemini and Merill Lynch which says that the wealth of the Wealthy increased by 5.1 percent to $1.5 trillion!

The business Editor of the Gulf news dated 22/6/10 writes that "the worlds rich and ultra rich individuals shook off the effects of the global economic crisis to increase their personal wealth by 19 percent to $ 30 trillion , returning to 2007's pre-crisis levels"

My dear friends , this is the philosophy of Capitalism . Loot and plunder the poor and appropriate their money and make them suffer. See how the capitlist manufacture lies and spread to consolidate their position.
They want to make money at any cost! Be it Iraq War(appropriating the natural resources of Iraq) or be it Afghanistan their motto is the same. Ever Since the Wealth of Nations was written and even much much before that it were the capitalists who were calling the shots by appropriating the labour of the labourer.

no mater whatever laws u see, u will find that there is a protection for the capitalists! it is simply because it is the capitalists who call the shots by providing funds to the politicians to contest the elections. No wonder why the Untied States of America wants "DEMO-N-CRACY" across the globe but fails to acknowledge when its adversaries win in palestine!

It is high time the that the 80% of the population rises up against these 1% wealthy people and 19 % of the bureaucrats and white/blue collar servants who help them to get richer and perpetrate torture on the poor

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