Thursday, June 3, 2010

LETs Contribute to make this world a PeAcEfUL place

Dear friends , we are human beings. Most of the human beings in the world are associated with religion of thier choice. I have personally not come across any religion that encourages violence or terror. Infact all the religions of the world suggests the followers to be calm, quiet, peaceful, and go an all out to help the needy and poor - in whatsoever we can. The major religoins of the world except Sanatan and Budhism do not believe in the reincarnation of the human beings. it suggests that we pass the earth just once only. Now when we pass this earth our journey is maximum, on an average , of 80-90 years. Out of this eighty or ninety, if we deduct our childhood, our sleep and times that we spend for our daily chores we are left with no more than 25 or thirty years.

i feel it is our duty to make this place where we live or from where we pass( or to be born again according to some beliefs) a heaven. Turning this place into heaven is not a very difficult job. we can vow to provide a smile on the lips of those who are tensed by placing our soothing and encouraging words to them. When we make a person smile we reduce his tensions, which in turn reduces his/her negative energy and adds positive thoughts to his/her minds. Dear friends, we can pass on our old clothings to those who do not have access to adequate to cover them with in summer and winter and the rains. when we do this we surely add to the cause of Peace on Earth.

Let us throw out greed from our heart. What did Alexander carry with him when he died? He had asked his leiutinants to take out his hands from his coffin so that the world may witness that the greatest of all emperors did not carry anything with him. When he did not carry What can we carry to our grave? Let us kick our greed from our heart and minds. when we do this we do not indulge in corrupts ways of earning money.

My Dear friends Let us ask ourselves that if Bill Gates can spend his entire earning for philantrophic work, and the likes of Azim Prem ji declares that all his assets will go for philantrophic tasks, we must also come forward to contribute to the underpriviledged world (in whatever way we can). When we do this we move a step forward to establish the order in the world. our acts will help to reduce the theft of bread and basic amenities of life. My dear friends let us come out of our shells of greeds to establish a world that is crime free, free from jealousy and Greed. Let us not shy away to raise out voice for the Have-nots, becasue if u(being educated) won't raise the voice who is going to raise. Let us come out of the narrow lanes of religion to help the cause of Humanity. The God that we preach belongs to all of us, hence the people come before everything.

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