Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Dear Friends

Aristotle needs no introduction. He once said that those who sell their knowledge are no better than prostitutes while those who do politics for the sake of money are worse than the prostitutes!
Politics without morale or ethics is useless for the very basis of politics was for the betterment of ordinary men and women. The politics of Today, cutting across nations, is deep rooted in the the corrupt practices, and where the Corporate World Calls the Shots and the politicians act as their 'agents'.
Let us see the case of Union Carbide in India? The Congress Government- it is alleged Promised Anderson that it will not arrest him once he is in India, and they facilitated his return to the United States of America. What might have the politicians got out of it? What interest made them Anderson-the culprit- prefer over thousands of Indian children ,old , middle aged innocent people who died in the Gas Leak and hundred of thousands who were injured and developed various other ailments due to the concentration of the gas leak in the air and under the ground? This is one question that does not need to be answered for everybody has reason enough to understand what might have transpired between Anderson and the people who helped him run away from the judiciary in India.
The condition in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asian provinces is no better than India. The War on Terror from the " So Called International Community" in Afghanistan is no doubt the best thing at this time. But once again the very big question is Who created these Terrorists? Was is Pakistan-which is a beggar state- which created Al Qaeeda? if we explore the pages of History , it is the same Osama Bin Laden who was planted by the Americans to fight a proxy war for them against the Russians? There is no denying that Osama is Bad, but this cancer has been fostered by the American tax payers money! if Al Qaeda and Osama are Bad , America is the worst. I think the international community cannot win a war against the common muslims-whom they have labeled as the 'terrorists'.
My Dear friends, see the plight of the Palestinians! The people in Gaza are beggars in their own homeland as the entry of goods is blocked by the begotten daughter of America-Israel, whose actions is driving common men and women to terrorism. Is it not terrorism to starve millions of women, children, and elderly people?
It is high time that the people cutting across the religious lines and ethnics lines came forward and stood for the ethical politics, and join hands so that the terrorists states like America do no proliferate in our day today life. It is easy to punish America! boycott their products as much as you can, or force them to help settle the cases of Tibet, Palestine by being so that peace may be established in the Asian continent!

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