Friday, June 4, 2010

THe Hills and the jungles are burning

dear friends
if we see the activities in the hills and the jungles of india, we find that it is burning. pepole are fighting against one another. The jungles of the MP, Bengal, Orissa, and of course Bihar is seized by the power Maoist- who claim to be the friend of the people yet they blow up passenger trains killing in hundreds and thousands! despite this open indulgement in heinious crimes agianst the people, we find tht the politicians are invovled in passing the buck to one another. they do not come forward to condemn or even name the Maoists. This smells of their support to the cause of the Maoists. i do not deny that the people in and around the jungles (who are mostly tribals) lead a miserable life, and they are uprooted by the governments either to clear their land for various government projects or to give it to some industrialist at a throwaway price. But why should the other commoners be targeted for the folly of the government. when we kill CRPF personnels, they are our very own people and this is an act committed against the people of india- which automatically demands that they be fought and contained. The Maoists should force the governments(at the state and the center ) to provide a better life for the tribal ppl, they should force the government- by mobilising the public opinion- to create basic infrastructure and create and implement policies which will help the poor tribals. Although we have a reservation for the tribals but it is usurped by well to do and rich tribals whose children are a product of English medium schools(who perhaps do not need a reservation at all).
However Violence is not going to solve the problems of the tribals for which the Maoist are supposed to be fighting for. It is therefore necessary that they give up violence and take the path of non-violence to demand for their rights.

If we turn our gaze to the hills in teh north east india, we find that the hills and Terai is burning from one corner to another. There is a Naga Students strike crippling the day today life of the ordinary Manipuris- who are unable to get even the basic amenities of life. The government has to airlift supplies for them(as in case of war). May i ask the saner elements in the NAGA Students forum as to what will they achieve by creating chaos. If they have a genuine problem, they should urge the government to talkto them. if they have an agitation they should carry in collaboration with the manipuri friends(who cannot imagine themselves as friends for they are bitterly treated)! The Bodo Problems, the problems in Assam, and of course the problems in several other parts of Assam are there but they can be surely solved by a dialougue.
if u turn our gaze to darjeeling, we see that the life of the people has turned miserable by the diktats of the political bigwigs-who claim that they are leading a gandhinian "Non -Violence" movement where opposition is not allowed to raise its voice or hold rally. if the opposition organizes a movement or attempts to do so , it is silencd by the goons of the party as we saw in the case of Madan Tamang Tamang. without gorkhaland (whose name has changed now to Gorkha Adivasi Pradesh) there is so much violence and a dictatorship has emerged what will happen if GAP comes to pass? The killing for seizing power will surely rise and Peace will elude this Queen of hills.

it is high time that the people reject those elements who are trying to create violence in the society and the government should enhance its efforts to sort out -at leaast the economic problems- before taking on the rude elements in teh society. LET the Gvernment declare there is no place for any violence in a civilized Society. But the Governments must make sure that they are not the cause of violence in the society. it must make sure that those representatives of the government who are responsible for any act which incites either communal hatred or violence in the society are treated in a similar way as the commoners are treated. No free roaming should be allowed for personnels who attack on Mandirs, Mosques, Guruduaras and of course the churchs. However, if there is a partisan attitude in the implementattion of punishment , the society will surely have more violence. Hence the RULE of Law should be strictly adopted and implemented everywhere!

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