Monday, June 7, 2010


Dear Friends
Today i see no other nation as a failed state as much as India. This feeling of a hapless indian is not without reason. if you remember Gilad Shalit- an israeli soldier abducted by the so called palestinian militants- resulted in the blockade of palestinians and attacks by the israelis against the palestinians across the globe(the killing in Dubai!). Just for one person's life Israel has lost so much of its resources(and surely it is the duty of the state to provide adequate protection to its citizens)!
However when it comes to the indian State, its failure is reflected in the judgement in the Bhopal Gas tragedy in which the officials related with the tragic loss of life were given a mild two years punishment. how can one rationalize this mild punishment for the death of over 20,000 people and the injuries of more than six lakhs people(as per the reports of the times of India)! The kin of those who tragically lost thier lives recieved an average compensation of only 12,410! Compare this compensation with those who died in hte Pan AM Crash way back in ,perhaps 1989! Compare This tragic death and the way it was dealt with that of the oil Spill by the BP and say for yourself where do we stand as a nation? are we better than any banana republic? I think Somalia or Malawi is much better than us when it comes to fighting for thier rights.
I wonder as to why the case presentation was so weak when nothing was required to be really presented to the court! There was a plant in which 40 to 42 thousand KGs of the toxic gas leaked killing most in the city that was mostly sleeping at the time of the leak. This case was not that of a negligence but it was a homicide commited by a powerful corporate house from a powerful country. The prosecutors just had to show the court that it had happened and the evidence was available in plenty on the ground.
By not representing the case the prosecutors and the CBI has proved that it is a useless tool of investigation on which the public money should not be wasted. what is the purpose of an agency which cannot prove the culpable homicide of a corporate house for which not much evidence is really required!
Leave aside the case of an investigating agency, which runs on the whims of the party in power why no political party in india comes out to fight the case for those who had suffered at the hands of the corporate houses. It implies that the politicians are also hand in glove with the corporate world to get "donation" so that fighting election becomes easy for them. My dear friends it is high time that we demanded from our government that they take up the matter with the parent company Union Carbide(US) and hold the big fishes accountable for it! It is time that India shows that it is not a banana republic and it stands for the interest of its people. The Politicians -instead of holding nonsense debates on the electronic media to come forward to provide justice to the deceased souls so that they may rest in peace!
throgh this blog i call upon all those associated with human rights and press to come forward and fight a battle for our brethren who lost thier lives long ago but they souls wait justice till date! JAI HIND

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