Friday, June 11, 2010


Dear Friends

The history is witness to the fact that war has never helped achieve development. War is responsible for bringing miseries in the life of everyone who is directly involved, and even those who are not involved at all. No War whether it was Mahabharata or the war waged by Alexander, Asoka the Great, the Muslim Zealots and the Christian Church (to vanquish Islam from the face of the world) was able to solve the problems of the world. War do create problems for the people who survive in the after math of the holocaust of the war, to take revenge of loss in war or the humiliating conditions (as was in case of Germany in the aftermath of the first World War).
If history tells us that war cannot solve any problem, then why is the west hell bent upon creating opportunities for war to strengthen its own economy? will it not backfire in the immediate future? history tells us that the position on the top in very slippery, and if we learn from history, then we may question ourselves is America going to be on the top as a super power for ever? The answer in the light of history will surely be negative. And if it is so , America must understand that if it does not include the ethics of equality in its foreign policy, it is surely likely to doom in future. And once it declines, i am afraid that those who have been tortured by the State will take revenge? If that revenge comes to pass.....?
it is in the light of this the American policy makers should understand that the history will be written as it is , and it cannot be choreographed like the assassination of Saddam Hussein( A great Leader who was capable of keeping Iraq United and its resources intact for its people. there were no bomb blasts in his regime but the "free regime manned by the American 'idols' is full of barbaric acts which helps America to keep a tab on the natural resources of Iraq). It is High Time that Barrack Obama does something drastic to bring peace in the world by acting sensibly and stopping the killing of civilians in the name of terrorists.

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